Sunday, June 4, 2017

Six Figures!

Andreas Levers: Hangar 6

Wow, it's been a long time since I last updated the blog. During the Spring I was a bit overwhelmed with my work load at the hamster wheel and also experienced a little bit of a writer's block. Being a procrastinator, starting writing or anything is always a small hurdle for me.

Since my last postback in January my portfolio has made a new record number. Six Figures! Let me say that again: SIX FIGURES! It now takes six beautiful numbers to write the number of euros in my portfolio. Here's the details:

06.01.17 10.05.17 change
Savings account 7575 7596 +21
Passive funds, broad 30172 33599 +3427
Passive funds, niches 9734 11330 +1596
Actively managed funds 6603 7499 +896
Listed stocks 24930 32872 +7942
Unlisted stocks 5250 5250 0
Fixed income 100 100 0
Cash 6012 4093 -1919
Total 90376 102337 +11961

I think some reflexion is suitable here. My savings and investment practice started 2011 when I started a ”real job” with a proper steady salary. I just simply kept my standard of living at the same level without adding more consumption.

Since then, about six and a half years have passed, and my portfolio has grown from essentially zero to six figures. During these years I've saved about a 1000 euros per month, altogether around 75 thousand euros. The remaining 25 grand has been generated my being in the market, mostly as capital gains and some as dividends also (about 20k and 5k, respectively). The stats on the previous years look something like this:

year savings cum. savings gains cum. gains portfolio value

2010 35 995

1 000
2011 9 936 10 931 -1 017 -1 017 9 919
2012 12 234 23 165 2 508 1 491 24 661
2013 2 424 25 589 2 067 3 558 29 152
2014 12 702 38 291 6 012 9 570 47 866
2015 12 167 50 458 3 786 13 356 63 819
2016 16 128 66 586 9 242 22 598 89 189
2017, until May 8 319 74 905 4 842 27 440 102 350

Year 2013 stands out as a year of less savings but that isn't the real picture as that year I bought my apartment and thus couldn't contribute to my portfolio but did pay approximate 10 thousand as the down payment.

Going forward I hope to be writing more often. BR, Jukka.