Saturday, October 21, 2017

Cheating my way to 110k

A new milestone! It was back in May that my portfolio clocked it’s first 6 figure rating and on Wednesday 18th was the first time it reached 110k, or 111 094 euros to be exact. I also record my net worth although I don't find it such a valuable metric as it's not "edible", but it's hovering somewhere around 133 000 euros at the moment.

Although I have a bit of a confession to make. I cheated a bit! But only myself, I moved a couple of grands from my usage money to my portfolio and may have to move it back at some point. So, the figure is perhaps a little bit inflated.

Between first 100k and first 110k was exactly 167 days, so my portfolio gained a really nice 60 euros per day. Savings since 100k were 6 381 euros and gains were 3 742 euros within that period. With time the proportion of portfolio gains should dominate savings but such a trend is not emerging yet.

On Wednesday my portfolio looked like this:

6.1.2017 10.5.2017 18.10.2017 change
Savings account 7575 7596 2000 -5596
Passive funds, broad 30172 33599 35844 +2245
Passive funds, niches 9734 11330 12902 +1572
Actively managed funds 6603 7499 8279 +780
Listed stocks 24930 32872 43036 +10164
Unlisted stocks 5250 5250 4500 -750
Fixed income 100 100 100 0
Cash 6012 4093 4434 +341
Total 90376 102337 111094 +8757

Year-to-date my portfolio is up about 7% so the year has been okay but not great. The lowering dollar valuation has hurt my portfolio to some extent as I hold plenty of US equities. I also have to note that I am a bit worried with the bull market just continuing and continuing on, Dow and S&P making not all-time-highs and VIX making all-time-lows. Just doesn’t add up!

I think my individual stock picks are getting a bit out of hand. I’ll need to try and limit my purchases to indexes for now. I also notice I’m checking my accounts rather often which isn’t a good sign. I’m thinking about adding trailing stops to my positions but at least Nordnet doesn’t support that.

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